Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Is It Just Me?

I don't know about you, but I am so tired of hearing about the Gosselins I could just scream.

And I want to scoop up all 8 children and give them a hug.

Reality TV, not that it truly is reality, is one of my pet peeves. I cannot stand it. I realize that, unlike sitcoms, the night's situation doesn't necessarily get resolved and tied up in a nice neat little bow at the end of the show but really, is there anything even remotely "real" about television crews filming your every move?

And besides the fact that there is an inordinate number of children, how is their life any different from the rest of the world?

I guess that is why I don't see the appeal in these shows. Life goes on all around me. I don't need to watch anyone else's.

Both parents are behaving badly, in my opinion, and so far the only thing I've agreed with was when Jon said the children need to come off the show.

Like he was.

I say pull the plug.


  1. One word ... overexposed. Or is that two words? Either way, I agree with you!

  2. Totally agree! I find myself praying for all of them because it is so exploitive for those kids and the whole family. No one seems to be caring for the kids and I don't want to watch it all the time or see it on the magazine covers! It's time to shut up, turn your heart back home and care for your family!

  3. OK, follow up to the blog. I read in an article today that, according to "experts" the Gosselin children actually would be harmed by suddenly stopping the show. For them, this is their reality. The sextuplets have been on TV all of their lives and their older twin sisters almost as long. They recommend a tapering off. So, I guess reality is, like everything else, a matter of perspective.

  4. Taper off? Tapering off doesn't work for anything. It is just another way of saying we don't intend to quit.


Thanks for taking a few minutes to share my thoughts. Care to share yours?