Saturday, November 14, 2009


I wrote the other day in my other blog about being called someone's inspiration. It felt good and made me feel all warm inside.

I want to do the same today.

My cousin has her own blog,, and she wrote the other day about an idea that she had after talking to a soldier in the Dallas airport. Her idea was to buy some McDonald's gift cards and have them with you when you travel over the holidays and give them to soldiers. Help them save some of their traveling money and say thank you at the same time.

Awesome idea, I say!

Somehow her regional McDonald's office found out about her idea and is helping to supply her with the gift cards. Awesome again I say, on their part. And she will be teaching her children a very valuable lesson this year about truly giving.

Not that her children need that particular lesson - if you read about them you will see that they are already pretty incredible kids and give a lot of themselves very unselfishly.

So, I've been inspired and I hope you will be also. Billy and I are traveling this week and I'm going to get some cards today to take with us. I don't know if we'll see any military but I want to be prepared. Though, I suspect we will run into plenty of them when we come home through Atlanta after Thanksgiving.

I'm also thinking of taking it a step further. I have a lot of points on credit cards and hotel rewards and such. I'm going to sell those for other gift cards to help the soldiers with some Christmas shopping. I know several of the websites are set up to do it and it only takes a few clicks on my part. So what if I'm giving up a free night; they give up sleeping in a bed every night.

These men and women do so much that they deserve all this and more.

So, thank you, Darla, for your wonderful, inspired and inspiring idea. I'd love to hear from anyone else with a thought. Let's take this and run with it and see how many folks we can help.

1 comment:

  1. It only takes a spark!

    Thanks for joining ... I can't wait to get started.


Thanks for taking a few minutes to share my thoughts. Care to share yours?