Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Power of the People

Every time I have sat down to work on this post lately, something else happens in the world that proves my point.

The first real display of people rising up was in Egypt. The people of that nation decided that 30 years was an adequate term limit for their president so those stood up and demanded change.

And it happened.

Other nations across the Middle East started doing the same.

Now we're seeing it in Libya.

We even saw it in our own country when the citizens of Wisconsin stood up to their elected officials and demanded to be represented.

The interesting thing has been the reactions. The Egyptian president ultimately stepped down. That was what his people wanted. Qaddafi opted to use the military and fire on his protesters. Death before dishonor I suppose.

We saw the good that people can do when they decide to make a change. We have also seen the ugly side of man. I cannot adequately express the utter disappointment and disgust when a group of men in Egypt attacked and assaulted a female news reporter. In "celebration" of their victory. But an extremely brave group of women jumped in and protected her from further harm.

I say brave because most of us know how highly women are regarded in Middle Eastern countries.

Here was a group of women standing up and, in effect, saying "we're tired of life the way it is and demand a change".

A wise man once noted that you can lead, follow, or get out of the way. Thise are your 3 choices in most situations. We've seen a little of all of that lately. People standing up and leading their fellow man. Leaders getting out of the way of progress by stepping down or making compromises.

We don't have to "settle" in this world. Each of us can effect change in our environments. Sometimes it is hard, no question there. But where would we be if a group of people hadn't wanted change and left England for this strange New World? Or if the earliest settlers hadn't decided that taxation without representation was wrong?

Now, we don't know if the changes will be good ones. Only that change is coming.


  1. Tunisia was really the first country where the citizens stood up and demanded their rights. Egypt came after. Egypt is bigger and more important, and everybody seems to forget about poor Tunisia. This makes what they did even more remarkable.

  2. Thank you, Casey Ann, for the clarification. With my work hours I'm not as fully informed as I try to be when I write. I missed Tunisia.


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